
The Homeschool Village is a microschool that serves as a safe space for children in their primary years. With a grade added every year, we outline a curriculum for each child to learn and thrive. 

We offer  a unique holistic learning experience;A loving, and nurturing home-environment; A family-oriented space; Caring, loving, and nurturing staff; Fun, enriching, play-based, child-led curriculum; Kids kemetic yoga; Kids meditation; Homemade organic food; Great indoor/outdoor play space; Clean and healthy environment; Green cleaning products; Safe space; Organic gardening; Weekly field trips; Festivals; Ceremonies



Our approach 

Our holistic approach to teaching is largely based on various program elements.

Our program elements are the following:

Creative writing and pre-writing
Holistic math core foundations through play
Kindness and gratitude
Child-led learning
Holistic play
Community Creativity
Gardening, and so much more!

The vision of The Homeschooling Village is to ignite children with a powerful sense of who they are, whilst embracing their naturally creative minds & spirits. 

We have a rooted education approach based on 5 values: 

Holistic innovation (A child’s organic ability to play with existing knowledge to create new ideas with a holistic disposition & outcome)

Connectedness ( A child is part of the connection that is learning, family, community, planet & universe)

Creativity (To openly create without bounds in expression & thinking. Each child is a creative being who learns & grows in a creative environment)

Mindfulness ( A child who practices mindfulness welcomes awareness, resilience & flow) 

Spirituality ( Each child is a unique being with a spirit that radiates love & Divine purpose)

” We educate the whole child, from the heart to intellect” 


A spiritual connection 

We believe that consciousness is at the root of a well life. Our teaching team meditates daily on our work with the children and hold them in our hearts.

With little ones, our days are anchored in age-appropriate meditation, breathwork, and yoga. We support the education of our children through Waldorf practical life skills like baking bread, hands-on learning, storytelling and more.

Children should be in environments that support their unapologetic expression of self through many avenues. We support through art, music, dance, drumming and handicrafts.

We call these rituals, expressions,  and they are integrated into every day.


Connecting to nature 

The Little Sprigs approach to education emphasizes protecting the realm of early childhood and childhood in all its wonder and magic. We carefully nurture the creative play by which young children have always done their most profound learning.  Teachers and parents encourage a reverence for all life, enthusiasm for work and compassion for each other.

Understanding that young children live in the world thoroughly and deeply through their senses, our aim of education provides each child with environments that are beautiful and rich with natural healthful materials such as wood, stones, shells, cotton, silk and wool.

We encourage artistic expression in a variety of mediums. The use of quality art materials is satisfying for the children and indicates respect for their creative selves. Music is celebrated with joyful singing throughout the day. Our approach offers a wealth of beautiful language experiences in the form of circle time, verses, poems, and songs. The telling of fairy tales, folk tales, nursery rhymes and stories developed by wise humans over centuries, nourishes the spirit and the moral development of children.

The facilitator guide the children in social skills such as problem solving, negotiation, inclusiveness in work and play, and acceptance of individual differences as well as pleasant conversation and manners at the table. We support and encourage community building within the school and amongst families. The natural world is an everyday part of our written curriculum. . Each day has its rhythm of active outgoing and energetic activities balanced by more quiet and inward times.

Daily, weekly and yearly rhythms are internalized by the children and give them strength and security.